With the patronage of the French National Commission for UNESCO. UNESCO seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015.
With the support of:
- The Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO-IHP). The only intergovernmental programme of the United Nations system devoted to water research and management, and related education and capacity development.
- The French Water Partnership (FWP), a non-profit association governed by the French law on associations of 1901, is a muti-actor platform which works on conveying key consensual messages on water resources in the international arena.
- Sorbonne University is a multidisciplinary, research intensive and world-class university. Located in the heart of Paris it is committed to the success of its students and teacher-researchers. The University provides the organizers with the benefit of its experience in conference space rental activity.
Scientific Committee
Ghislain de Marsily - Emeritus Prof. Science Academy, Senior Scientist, Chairman, FranceValérie Plagnes – Prof. Sorbonne Université, Paris, Professor of hydrogeology, Co-chairwoman, France
Raoul Mille – Dr INRAE, Director International relations, Co-chairman, France
Jean Albergel – Dr IRD / LISAH, Senior Scientist, Co- chairman, France
Yvan Altchenko - Dr. AgroPariTech, Hydrogeologist, France
Abou Amani – Dr. UNESCO IHP Director, France / Niger
Bartolome Andreo Navarro - Prof. Universidad de Málaga, Researcher Teacher, Spain
Michel Bakalowicz - Emeritus Prof. CNRS, Univerité de Montpellier, Senior Scientist, France
Bernard Barraque - Emeritus Prof. AgroPariTech, Senior Scientist, France
Olivier Barreteau - Dr. INRAE / GEAU, Senior hydrogeologist, France
Cheih Becaye Gaye - Emeritus Prof. Université Cheih Anta Diop (UCAD), Senior Scientist, Senegal
Olivier Bour - Prof. Université de Rennes – Géosciences, Senior hydrogeologist, France
Agnes Ducharne – Prof. CNRS, Senior Scientist, France
Agathe Euzein - Dr CNRS, Scientific Deputy Director, Ecology and Environment Institute, Sustainability Science, France
Nicolas Faysse - Dr. CIRAD / GEAU, Hydrogeologist, France
Guy Fradin - Mr. World Water Council, Senior official, France
Kebede Gurmessa - Prof. UKZN University Kwazulu Natal, Senior Scientist, South Africa
Frédéric Huneau - Prof. Université de Corse, Senior hydrogeologist, France
Kamel Kouari - Prof. ENIS Université de Sfax, Senior Scientist, Tunisia
David Kreamer - Prof. University of Nevada, Las Vegas - IAH President - USA
Nour-Eddine Laftouhi - Prof. Université Caïd Ayad de Marrakech, Senior hydrogeologist, Morocco
Benoit Laignel - Prof. Université de Rouen, Professor of hydrology, France
Christian Leduc - Dr. IRD /GEAU, Senior Scientist, France
Antonio Lo Porto - Dr. IRSA-CNR, Senior Scientist, Italy
Jean-Christophe Maréchal - Dr. BRGM / GEAU, Senior hydrogeologist, France
Christelle Marlin - Prof. French national research alliance ALLENVI, Senior Scientist, France
Jean-Paul Moatti - Emeritus Prof. GSDR Independant Scientists group, Senior Scientist, France
François Molle - Dr. IRD /GEAU, Senior Scientist, France
Anne-Marie Mueller - Dr Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung, Geographer, Germany
Gualbert Oude Essink - As. Prof. Deltares / Ultrecht University, Senior hydrogeologist, Netherlands
Alexandre Pryet - As. Prof. ENSGID Bordeaux, Researcher Teacher, France
Victor-Manuel Reyes Gomes - Dr INECOL-Chihuahua, Senior Scientist, Mexico
Muhamad Saidam - Emeritus Prof. GSDR Independant Scientists group, Senior Scientist, Jordan
Craig Simmons - Prof. Flindres University, Professor of hydrology, Australia

SDGs Stakeholders Committee
Groundwater stakeholders in connection with the Sustainable Development Goals come from a variety of backgrounds: Water resource Managers, Water resource users(farmers, communities, cities, industrialists, etc), NGOs, Environmental protection associations, Research institutes, Consultancy companies, Donors (development banks, green finance, etc).
The objectives of the SDGs stakeholders committee are:
- to encourage participation in the conference by activating networks linked to the Sustainable Development Goals
- to generate proposals from various actors
- to highlight the presentations of actions carried out, in progress or in project.
Alexandre ALIX – Research Fellow at Water & Climate Mission, French Water Partnership, Paris
Fabricio ALVES-SIMOES – Paris-Saclay University
Guillaume AUBOURG – Deputy director of Programme Solidarité Eau, Paris
Matthieu BAISSET – Technical director of Imageau company, Clapiers
Quentin BALLIN - Irrigated agriculture project team leader, French Development Agency, Paris
Justin BAYILI – Coordinator of the ACTEA network, Ouagadougou
Christophe BRACHET – Deputy director of the International Office for Water, Paris
Simon CARRIÈRE - Lecturer, Sorbonne University (UMR-METIS), Paris
Dominique DARMENDRAIL – BRGM, Water and Global Change Programme Director, Orléans
Thierry DEGLIN – Financial Adviser, Charleville-Mézières
Emmanuel DE ROMÉMONT - Founder & CEO of the More-Water-for-Sahel Initiative, Paris
Nathalie DORFLIGER - Director Watershed Science and Stewardship Danone Waters Evian
Claude GITTON – Ministry of Ecological Transition, General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Paris
Magali GRAND - Water resources protection officer, Eau du Bassin Rennais collectivity, Rennes
Edouard GRIDEL- Former bank manager involved in green financing, Paris
Basile HECTOR – Research fellow at the IRD – IGE, Grenoble
Franck HUFSCHMITT – Head of of sustainable watershed management, SDEA, Schiltigheim
Benjamin KALIFA – Study engineer, Water Agency Seine Normandie, Paris
Jean Luc LAURENT – Former Director of Water at the Ministry of Environment, Paris
Claude LAVEU – Leader of the water working group of the NGO Electriciens Sans Frontières, Paris
Peter NEWBORNE - Regional Coordinator for Europe, Alliance for Water Stewardship, UK
Léa OSTERMANN – Communication officer, NGO Terres et Humanisme, France
Serge RAMON – Engineer, vice chairman of NGO « Mil Ecole », Metz
Daniel REININGER – Representative of the National Federation of the Environment at the Rhine Meuse Basin Committee, Metz
Anne REYNAUD – Hydrogeologist, NGO AQUI' Brie, Dammarie les Lys
Tobias SALATHE - Senior Adviser, Secretariat of Convention on Wetlands, Gland (CH)
Denis SCHULTZ – Director of GESCOD solidarities & cooperations for development, Strasbourg
Emmanuelle SIMON – Lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences, Lorraine University, Metz
Laurent SIRY – Engineer, Monitoring & Prevention of environmental risks, Strasbourg
Lina VARON – Poitiers University, France
Jean Michel VOUILLAMOZ – Research Fellow at the IRD - LTHE, Grenoble

Executive Committee
This committee gathers representatives from the main institutions and actors supporting the organization of the Conference. It validates the main decisions.
Jean ALBERGEL - Co-President of the Conference's Scientific Committee Research, Director, IRD, Montpellier
Alice AURELI - UNESCO - Division of Water Sciences, Programme Specialist, Section on Hydrological Processes and Climate, Paris
Nathalie DÖRFLIGER - President, IHP National Committee for France, Director Watershed Science and Stewardship Direction, Danone Waters Evian
Patrick LACHASSAGNE - IAH French Chapter President, Director HydroSciences Montpellier
Raoul MILLE - Co-President of the Conference's Scientific Committee, Deputy Director International Relations, INRAE Paris
Guglielmina TORO - Ministry of Ecological Transition, Assistant to the Deputy Director, Direction of the protection and management and of Water and Mineral Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems, Paris
Luc PEREIRA-RAMOS - Seine-Normandie Water Agency, Head, Aquatic environment knowledge department, Paris
Valérie PLAGNES - Co-President of the Conference's Scientific Committee, Professor Sorbonne University, Paris
Serge RAMON - Hydrogeologist (retired) Rhin Meuse Water Agency, Nancy
Catherine THOUIN - IAH French Chapter, Deputy President Hydrogeologist (retired), Ministry of Ecological Transition, Paris
Marie-Laure VERCAMBRE - French Water Partnership, Director, Paris

Organization Committee
Francis Bichot - Partnership and sponsoring. IAH French Chapter, CEO Eau Roche Environnement, Bordeaux
Philippe Bouilly - Conference's Communication. IAH French Chapter board, Hydrogeologist (retired), Sète
Laurence Chéry - Partnership and sponsoring. IAH French Chapter board, Deputy Director of Territorial Actions Western Area, BRGM, Orléans
Bouchra El-Oifi - In charge of the Conference Budget. IAH French Chapter Treasurer, Bordeaux University
Matthieu Fournier - Conference organization. IAH French Chapter Secretary, Assistant-Professor Rouen Normandy University
Yves Gouisset - Conference logistics, Webmaster. IAH French Chapter, Hydrogeologist (retired), Ministry of Ecological Transition, Lyon
Anne Johannet - Conference's Communication documents. IAH French Chapter board, Professor IMT-Mines Alès
Patrick Lachassagne – Head of the Committee. IAH French Chapter President, Director HydroSciences Montpellier
Michel Lafforgue - Conference publications. IAH French Chapter, Project Director SAFEGE Nîmes
Serge Lallier - Logistics of the Conference. IAH French Chapter board, Hydrogeologist (retired), Port-Vendres
Pierre Marchet - In charge of the Conference Budget. IAH French Chapter Deputy Treasurer, Toulouse
Catherine Thouin – Head of the Committee. IAH French Chapter Deputy President, Hydrogeologist (retired), Ministry of Ecological Transition, Paris